Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Take this job and shove it...

The weekend is always a welcomed respite from the job; it's tough working when you know that your employer wants you to leave. You WANT to leave but have no place to go...this makes it even more stressful! Gas has gone up .10 a gallon over the weekend.  It's getting so I can't afford the drive in every day; Damned if I do and damned if I don't. I now have to work nearly 2 hours each day just to pay for that day's gas for the commute. What's a girl suppose to do? I have been checking out literary agents to work with Irwin on his book. Most of the bigger publisher's say that an agent is necessary and makes the job easier.  Imagine, my own little Irwin with a publicist! He's already expressed an interest in doing his next book on England or, perhaps, Ireland.  It would seem to me that there might be a good connection between Ireland's leprachauns and a wee little frog (OK, I know that "wee" is Scottish and not Irish, but it works, you gotta admit.) And the Veterans/D-Day tour of the Normandy Beaches continues to lurk in the future as a viable means for living in France.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Yesterday turned out to be a booger. Not only was I denied a raise, but I was told I probably did have any future with the company; this is not a good turn of events. Meanwhile, I push on with my book, while sending out resumes by the truck-load. It would be nice, and maybe even offer some encouragement for a brighter future, if I would land an interview, or two. At this moment, I feel like I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding a job. Although I must say that our clients have been very sympathetic towards my situation and have been approaching me by droves to lend a sympathetic ear and a should to lean on. Good folks here that seem to deeply appreciate my efforts on their behalf, even if the powers-that-be haven't quite figured that out yet. Three more hours and I have a couple of days to recharge my mental battery. Unfortunately, there's no money to have any fun with, but I can sleep and dream of a better future. Perhaps in France. Look out Johnny. Hurricane Elaine may just blow in; lock, stock, and dogs...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Monthly Meeting

The board meeting is now over and I am feeling "lower than a snake's belly in a wheel rut." I asked for a pay raise (I've been here a year and haven't had one) and was unanimously denied. Think they're trying to tell me something? Maybe the new guy has someone waiting in the wings...

And the fun goes on...

How many of you have had this happen to you? Tons, I bet. It is cheaper for an employer to give you a fancy title than money. I fall into this category. My title is that of a director but, in reality, I'm a secretary. MUCH cheaper. From $65,000 annually (former job) down to $12 per hour, with no benefits. None. Zippo. Nada. When I signed on for my current job, I expected to actually DO something; i.e. use my skills and abilities to make a positive impact. Imagine my surprise when, after a year, I'm still playing secretary/receptionist. Now before those of you who are actually secretaries and receptionists jump my butt for being negative, let me clarify that it's not an easy or fun job. I'm saying that it's not what I signed up to do; it's not what I want to do. Gawd help me. I'm loosing my mind, I think. Do secretaries/receptionists always get made to feel lower than low? or is it just my employer? The Board looks down their considerable noses at me and make me feel like I'm less important. Heck. It's not who I am, folks! Please give me a break...

Cheaper than therapy

OK. I'm here like many others..to vent. My personal beef is work-related. This blog is my stress-relief (and WAY cheaper than therapy) and, hopefully, it will find its way into the hearts and minds of other down-trodden,  under-employed, and generally dumped-on workers and offer some solice. Workers of the world, UNITE!

There's a saying that goes, "It's hard to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys." To this I can only reply, AMEN brother.

When the global economy crashed in the fall of 2008, I happen to get fired, from my corporate position, for taking in a stray/abused dog and then refusing to surrender it to the owner when he showed up over a month later.  I know...this sounds stupid and unreal but you gotta understand the workings of my former emploer to fully appreciate this story.  I will expound on this incident, in greater detail, at a later date. Let's jsut refer to it as "The Electric Light Incident". Stay tuned  'cause you won't believe what happened then...or maybe you'll see yourself mirrored in my life.  I am mentioning this life-altering event now, because it marked the beginning of a downward spiral for me that has yet to end... Is there no bottom?

So, if you're among the unemployed or under-employed population in this contr, I hope that you will continue to read this and maybe find some small comfort in knowing that I share your pain.

more later...